So here's what the kids ended up doing...
First they explored all different ways a certain action word could be demonstrated with their bodies... like BEND
or SWAY.
In teams of boys/girls, they also acted out specific scenes for the other team to guess. Here are the girls doing "sunrise and sunset:"
(The boys guessed this right away!)
Finally, we watched a couple of professional dance pieces, to discuss, compare and contrast the styles and messages. First up was one called "Beach Birds" by Merce Cunningham.
Then we watched this video online of Melanie herself performing!
Afterwards, we were able to discuss the very clear and profound message that this dance portrays. "Those who hear not the music, think the dancer mad." And the kids were really able to SEE this and understand it. I thought that was pretty cool. (I highly recommend this video/dance.... it's really good!)
What fascinating ways God has created our bodies and our minds, and our desires and abilities to communicate with one another. We had a fun morning exploring the creative ways we could express concepts and ideas -- in ways we normally don't.